Dado rende omaggio a Isabella, la donna più importante del rinascimento italiano che guarda Piazza Unione Europea nel quartiere Lunetta. La marchesa di Mantova nei suoi appartamenti vedovili ha lasciato tracce di arte e cultura e anche dell’amore per l’universo olfattivo e per i fiori infatti, dietro una grata, si scorge il piccolo Giardino Segreto di Isabella che ancora palpita, spandendo le note balsamiche da lei tanto amate. Tra le sue piante predilette (dipinte anche nell’opera di Dado) pare ci fosse il Tarassaco, erba umile ma con infinite proprietà che Isabella adorava.

With the series “Lettere Fiorite ” – Blooming Letters -a new path opens of stylistic research of the artist that revolves around an intuitive speculation of organic elements (plants, flowers, leaves, etc).

The style of these drawings stems from the exploration of writing gestures, understood as a natural and instinctive communication expression.

The artist intends to create a metaphor that brings writing closer to nature. Just as writing is a composition of signs and the drawing of writing – typical writing – is a composition of forms; thus also nature is expressed through the composition of organic elements. From this type of reflection, Dado inaugurates a new study of the composition of shapes that abandons geometric speculation to approach the compositions present in nature, thus recreating wild natures governed by new rules of construction of the whole.

  1. Fiorito 1 – Dado Fiorito – Event Block the Wall (sixth edition), at Oz – Bologna, 2017
  2. Fiorito 2 – Sfera Fiorita – IDOLOVE Festival (2 episode) – Dolo, 2017
  3. Fiorito 3 – Muri d’Acqua – Piscine Comunali, Art gateway, – Vicenza, 2017
  4. Fiorito 4 – A Piero, dedicated to Prof. Piero Furlan at the Luigi Stefanini High School – Mestre, 2018
  5. Fiorito 5 – Covignano in fiore, Rimini 2018
  6. Fiorito 6 – Isabella – for Without Frontiers (4th edition); Lunetta a Colori – Mantova 2019
  7. Fiorito 7 – Lettere fiorite – Festival of Urban Art, Valencia, 2019
  8. Fiorito 8 – Composizione di cerchi e fiori – Commission for private – Pisa , 2021
Advertising flyer of the mural graffiti event occurred in Mantova city on 2019

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