Tiffany stained glass is the answer to a question that concerns the ways in which graffiti, which by nature are born and live in the street, can enter inside an art gallery without losing their poetics arising from the street itself. My attempt to solve this enigma is the essence of the artwork, a stained glass window that, not being able to be opened, takes on the same function as a wall. However, unlike a wall, it is transparent, making possible a relationship between the inner and outer, between the inside and outside. Since the work reproduces the drawing of a piece, in the style of graffiti, its peculiar characteristics of a “transparent wall”, make it possible to keep the mural on the border between the two dimensions between “gallery and street” transforming it into a vehicle of communication between the two seemingly contrasting worlds.
The artistic glass wall is a technique of antique traditions of Middle Age/Gothic origins, utilized primarily for the decorations of churches and the representations of religious images, through the use if this antique technique I wanted to transfer to the graffiti the majesty and solemnity of the classical arts and draw an ideal bridge between the art forms of our past and those of our present, between the religious buildings of the Middle Ages and those of contemporary metropolitan life.
This work, together with others such as the Battiscopa and the Colonna, are part of a study on the relationship between urban architecture and graffiti.
Artwork exhibited in 2008 at the exhibition “Scala Mercalli” all’auditorium della musica a Roma, a cura di Gianluca Marziani.
Technique: Glass. Workmanship tiffany
Dimensions: 2.20 mx, 1.40mx 2.5 cm of thickness.